Finding Myself

Hello to anyone that’s reading this blog, as you may know, from my past posts Ive been having problems with my confidence and although I haven’t posted anything in a while, ive been working on my self everyday, and here is what ive learned.

I am now 21 and I finally feel like I found myself. I finally know who I am. Only problem is, change. I feel like a confident hyper social butterfly on the inside but shy and quiet on the outside and it sucks! Now ive been working on myself and I feel like I know who I really am its just not that easy but since ive started to make the change a while back, I now feel like a have alot more confidence then I did before, although im still kind of shy. 

One of the mean problems im having is the people around me not accepting change. I personally see alot more change in myself then my family and friends, they not even acknowledge anything when im pretty sure they notice a different in my confidence. There all good people its just, when I do do something that the old me wouldnt do, they look at me like what are you doing? and its like “?” who do you change when everyone else is saying no? 






A Reminder



At times life can seem blurry and out of focus.

 You are not sure where you are going or what you are doing.

You have no clear path.


It may feel like everything is frozen.

You feel stuck.


We can remember to hold on to our light. Our joy. Our laughter.

We can remember that the fog will clear.

Our path is always there, though it may be hidden temporarily from view.


Keep reaching for the sky.

Even when your path is foggy, use your goals as a compass, keep them in your view. Hold them close to your heart.

They will guide you.


You are weaving the web of your life.

Every strand counts.

What can you do today to step towards your dream?

Take that small step, each one takes you that much closer.


Your efforts will bear fruit.

 A plant must spend energy to create its…

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This entry was posted on December 7, 2013. 1 Comment


What Matters Most

Incredible beauty is found in those who can bloom in the hardest of seasons. If you are in a hard season today- I am praying for you. May you bloom in this season. May you bloom in every season.


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How do you move when you feel stuck?

My mom’s dream was to own  her own health and wellness centre, she even got so far that she opened her own facility in the summer, but the saddest part is the lack of business. People always say “oh you’ll get it everyone always starts of slow” but when it actually happens to you it feels like forever and is really discouraging.

I see my mom stress about her business while working two other jobs to pay all the bills and I know it makes her sad and that makes me sad. I’m my mom’s right hand man, or should I say girl, Im constantly researching ways to promote her business. We get a little business here and there but not a lot, every time we get business I always think “hey maybe they’ll be our lucky break and well get a bunch of business” but it never seems to be the case.

 I feel so hopeless seeing my mom sad and feeling as if I tried my best and it still isn’t good enough, I don’t want to give up because I know a health and wellness centre is something that wouldn’t run out of business because it’s so useful, It’s so confusing because I use different promoting websites and I make a bunch of program posters that would attract my attention if i was reading yet I still feel stuck.

Last year I finished my 3 year program at college which was related to nutrition and health and decided it take the year off to work at my mom’s company. I have a very small circle of friends yet there all great, my only problem is that I’ve kinda been lying to them…Im not one to lie, in fact I really rather not cause I feel like they can always see right through my lies although thats not the case. I’ve kind of locked myself off from my friends, not permanently just temporary because until I go back to school in September (doing a new program nutrition and health business related to expand my knowledge) I currently dont have much going on in my life other than work and thats not doing so well right now and its kinda embarrassing. 

I know my friends would be understanding but I cant help but feel they would look at me a little different. I dont talk to my friends as much as I usually do because every time they ask me how im doing I just say “oh im good busy at work” like literally, every. single. time. It gets me so mad cause I dont want to lie! But I feel like such a loser! lol I just wish we had a bunch of business so I could tell them all the progress were making and all the exciting upcoming events! I feel like when we do get a lot of business then I’d be able to tell them “look guys we were really struggling and it was really hard but we got through it and now were doing great! Ugh I was I was there now! Im the kind of person that doesnt fish for compliments or want people to feel sorry for them, for some reason it I feel it’s kind of annoying lol.

Anyways do to the lack of business my mom hasn’t been able to pay me in months which really sucks but I completely understand why, Sometimes I get so frustrated that she can’t pay me but I can’t say anything cause it’s not her fault. She asked me to look for a part time job just until we start doing better but every time I think of getting another job I just feel like as soon as I get it im gonna have to quit do to the grow of my business as if we start to succeed as soon as I get the job lol, quitting a job is a whole new problem on its own. Ive never quit  job before, I tend to feel for people more than I should, I feel like if I quit im gonna hurt the managers feelings and I’ll feel really bad, (although they probably have a bunch of people lined up to take my place lol). If I could id probably quit via text just so I wouldnt have the face them aha. Although quitting would be scary, I do want money and right now her business isnt doing as good as we’d like at the moment, so im still looking for a job just to help her with the bills and some money for myself.

Oh by the way my dreams is to own my own healthy food restaurant and seeing as my mom has her own health and wellness centre it goes hand in hand and the bottom part of our facility just opened up, how perfect would it be if we could own it and I start my business off small with something like a healthy food catering company? that would be soo awesome! but once again lack of business = lack funds (N) but I still have hope! If you guys know any good business promoting websites feel free to share the link! 🙂


Dear Lack of Confidence,

For some reason I feel as if my lack of confidence is a person, this might sound weird but i wanted to write about it.

Dear Lack of Confidence,

I hate you. Everytime I feel as if my confidence is getting higher youuuuu decide to show your face again. I feel as if im fighting myself! am I crazy? (hope not aha) anyways it feels like when my confidence gets better my lack of confidence gets worse! I wish it was something i could just take out of myself, id say bye bye to my shyness and lack of confidence a long time ago if it was that easy.

Last night you showed up like never before, So bad that im still sad about it today, Im so embarrassed I cant even write about what happened, I over analyzed everything and acted like a jealous fool but I couldnt help it! I tried and bit my tongue but you still came out! Why is this so hard for me? I feel like im the only one that thinks like this. Anyways I let all my sadness soak in and now im over it! I WILL have more confidence one today because I never want you to show up like your did last night I will make sure you never show up again.

– Diary of a Shy Girl